
Mining and minerals sector

Mining and minerals sector

The mining and metals sector is one of the vital and important sectors for countries, especially those that possess more mineral wealth than other countries. Countries that possess mineral wealth must pay attention to investing in this field in order to maximize profits from it and not leave benefiting from it without oversight or regulation in order to preserve it for future generations. .

Nickel Phenic – NPI

capital 450 million US dollars
Rate of Return 4.8 %
Payback period 10 years

Cast aluminum wheels

capital 152 million US dollars
Rate of Return 13.5 %
Payback period 8 years

Copper factory

capital 30 million US dollars
Rate of Return 10 %
Payback period 9.4 years

Glass processing plant

capital 50 million US dollars
Rate of Return 13 %
Payback period 9.1 years

Manganese ore processing plant

capital 120 million US dollars
Rate of Return 16.5 %
Payback period 11 years

Aluminum fluoride manufacturing plant

capital 105 million US dollars
Rate of Return 10.9 %
Payback period 9.2 Years
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