

Financial markets

Financial markets are places where securities such as stocks, bonds, futures and foreign currencies are traded. Financial markets play an important role in the economy, as they provide financing to companies and governments, help direct capital to sectors and companies that need financing, and contribute to achieving liquidity and determining asset prices. The importance of financial marketsThe importance of financial markets is represented in the following: Financing...

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Knowledge economy

The term “knowledge economy” refers to an economic model that relies primarily on creativity, innovation, and the use of knowledge as a main resource to achieve economic development. The knowledge economy is characterized by its focus on the production and use of human knowledge and skills as essential elements for economic growth and improved quality of life. The main elements of the knowledge economy include: Characteristics of the knowledge economy: The main driving forces under the knowledge economy: Knowledge encoding: It can…

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International Trade

International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. International trade plays an important role in the global economy, as it represents a means to meet the needs of the global market and enhance economic cooperation between countries. International trade contributes to achieving economic benefits for participating countries, such as expanding markets, achieving economic specialization, and enhancing Innovation and technology, improving the standard of living, international trade also faces challenges such as protection…

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Fiscal policy

Fiscal policy is the aspect that relates to the management and direction of financial matters within a country's economy. This type of policy concerns the decisions and measures taken by the government to achieve specific objectives in the field of public finances. Fiscal policy is affected by multiple economic and social factors, and includes several elements. Here are some of the key aspects of fiscal policy: Objectives of Fiscal Policy: The objectives of fiscal policy are varied and vary…

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   financial institutions

Financial institutions are defined as companies that operate on both sides of the markets for financial capital. Financial institutions may be borrowers in one market and lenders in another market, and they are also willing to trade so that families who have money can spend it in institutions, and institutions lend it to other companies or people and benefit from the interest differences between... The two currencies. Financial institutions are diverse, but they are…

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