
Climate changes in Morocco

Morocco faces significant challenges associated with climate change, including sea level rise, reduced rainfall, increasing temperatures, changing weather patterns, impacts on biodiversity, and impacts on the economy.


  • Sea level rise: Morocco is located on the Mediterranean coast, and is particularly vulnerable to sea level rise. Sea level rise is expected to submerge coastal lands, affecting population and infrastructure.

  • Low rainfall: Morocco depends on rainfall to provide water for drinking and agriculture. Reduced rainfall is expected to lead to water shortages, which will impact water security and agricultural production.

  • Increased temperatures: Morocco is already suffering from high temperatures. Rising temperatures are expected to increase the prevalence of heat-related illnesses, such as heat stress.

  • Changing weather patterns: Changes in weather patterns can increase the severity of storms, floods, and droughts. These events can result in loss of life and property.

  • Impacts on biodiversity: Climate changes can change the distribution of plant and animal species, which may lead to the extinction of some species.

  • Effects on the economy: Climate changes can lead to losses in agricultural and tourism production, which may affect the national economy.

Response efforts

Morocco has realized the importance of addressing climate change, and has taken many measures in this regard. These procedures include:

  • International commitments: Morocco has joined the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. Morocco is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting adaptation to the effects of climate change.

  • National climate change strategy: Morocco has developed a national climate change strategy aimed at adapting to the effects of climate change and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Projects and programs: Morocco has launched many projects and programs to address climate change. These projects include: Sea Level Rise Study Project: This project aims to identify coastal areas at risk of inundation, and develop plans to adapt to these risks.

  • National action plan for afforestation: This plan aims to increase green spaces in Morocco, which will help reduce temperatures and improve air quality.

  • National Adaptation Investment Plan: This plan aims to provide the necessary funding for projects to adapt to the effects of climate change.

  • Public awareness: Morocco is keen to increase public awareness of the dangers of climate change. This is done through awareness campaigns and education programmes.

In addition to the challenges and efforts mentioned above, Morocco faces other challenges related to climate change, such as:

  • Effects on health: Climate changes can increase the prevalence of heat-related diseases, such as heat stress and respiratory diseases.
  • Impacts on food security: Climate changes can reduce the productivity of agricultural crops, which may lead to food shortages.
  • Impacts on national security: Climate changes could lead to increased migration and conflict, which could threaten national security.


Morocco needs to intensify its efforts to address climate change. Recommendations that can be made include:

  • Increase investment in adaptation projects and mitigate the effects of climate change.
  • Strengthening international cooperation in the field of climate change.
  • Increase public awareness of the dangers of climate change.

The following table shows the volume of carbon dioxide emissions in Morocco during the period from 2015 to 2019:

the year Volume of carbon dioxide emissions (kt)
2015 60410
2016 60320
2017 63520
2018 64960
2019 71480

Source: World Bank database.

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